
Orc Vs Elves - 28mm Fantasy Miniatures

Created by Andy Hobday & Paul Hicks

New, highly-detailed, 28mm fantasy miniatures sculpted by Paul Hicks

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An October Update
4 days ago – Sat, Oct 12, 2024 at 02:00:21 AM

Good morning, everyone. We thought you would appreciate an update on what is happening behind the scenes. 


You have been very proactive in completing your pledges. As you can see, 81% have been finalised, leaving only 76 pledges to go. We aim to lock everything at the end of October as we try for a really fast turnaround, as our goal is to have everything despatched by the end of November. If you have not yet finalised your pledge, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible.

So far, the most popular add-ons in Backerkit are the Human Mage, the White Seer & bodyguard, and the printed book.


Andy is currently focusing on finishing off the fantasy supplement with the help of his usual partner in crime, Steve Beckett. We love the direction it has taken and are looking forward to finalising the army lists with the help of George Asling this week. We have also been working with artist Marco Capparoni, who has been adding further artwork to sit alongside the artwork of Peter Dennis.

A lot of time has been spent playtesting, and we are currently at a stage where Andy is very happy with the magic system and the Orc & Elf lists. Mark Farr of Footsore Miniatures painted all the figures shown above, and the games have been played in his gaming room. He has been a tremendous help.


We have been very lucky to have the opportunity to have Darren Linington painting the elves, and he has finished a new batch for us. We think the Elven Light Cavalry look terrific and will share more of Darren's painting in the coming weeks.

Don't forget to finalise your pledge. We would like to have all of them completed by the end of this month. Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Take care!
~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

If everything goes to plan, this is our timeline for this campaign:

• August 2024 - Kickstarter Campaign √
• September - mid-October 2024 - Pledge Manager √
• September - October 2024 - Production
• October - November 2024 - Pick, Pack & Despatch
• End of November 2024 - Everything Despatched for Delivery

A Great Response to Surveys and the Orc & Elf Heroes are Finished
18 days ago – Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 05:49:05 AM

So far, 55% of all pledges have been completed, which is fantastic. Thank you for being prompt. It really helps us plan. If you haven't received your survey email yet, please get in touch, as they have all been sent out.


During the Kickstarter, we asked backers to share their ideas with us to help create a new Orc hero and an Elf hero. We received a lot of interest and excellent feedback, which we collated together and fed into our concept artist, Marco. 

Work in progress of Marco's fantastic painting for the Battle for the Bylands.

Using the concept drawings as his guide, Paul set out to work on them. At the same time, we realised how much we liked the concept work, so we asked Marco to expand it into an artwork that captures the dramatic battle between the Orcs and Elves.

The completed sculpts. The elf will have a wire spear with a resin spearhead.

They are now finished; Marco and I believe Paul has captured both characters perfectly. 

Two views of the Elf Hero
Three views of the Orc Hero

The elf has been included for free in all Elf Warhost pledges, the orc included for free in all Orc Warhost pledges, and both in the All-in deal for free.

For those who haven't backed for one of the deals, you can still include them as add-ons in the pledge manager.

Don't forget, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Take care!
~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

If everything goes to plan, this is our timeline for this campaign:

• August 2024 - Kickstarter Campaign √
• September - mid-October 2024 - Pledge Manager √
• September - October 2024 - Production
• October - November 2024 - Pick, Pack & Despatch
• End of November 2024 - Everything Despatched for Delivery

BackerKit surveys are coming! Get ready for your Pledge Manager email
22 days ago – Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 12:00:29 PM

The good news is that we are now ready to go, as Kickstarter has completed its part and transferred all pledge information into BackerKit, our pledge manager of choice. This update contains a lot of helpful information, so please read it. If you have any questions or need help, please message me, Andy Hobday, as I am only too happy to help.

Kickstarter has had an issue with just two backers unable to complete their pledges. As we don't want anyone to miss out, I will contact both people individually to see if we can get something sorted out in BackerKit.

Over the next couple of days, everyone else will receive an email from us via the pledge manager with a personal link to their BackerKit survey. It’s essential to respond to your survey as swiftly as you can since we need this information to fulfil your pledge. We need you to have completed your survey by the end of October 2024 to be able to send it to you by the end of November 2024.

Example pledge manager email

When you receive and open your email, click the 'Click Here to Respond' button to get started. You will then be taken to the starter screen for your personal pledge survey.

Example survey starter screen

Funnily enough, you can select 'Get Started!' to get started. Here, we explain what is happening and ask you to acknowledge that you understand.

Example survey screen

Once you have completed your acknowledgement, you can select packs up to your pledge amount if you have backed at the 'Choose your Packs & Pledge' level or over-pledged at any of the pledge levels, or purchase add-on items for an additional cost. This is all done in the Add-ons section. Everything you selected during Kickstarter will be shown here under pledge level or add-ons.

Select packs up to your pledged amount, or add more!

When you have finished choosing add-ons, click 'NEXT'. You will be taken to the next screen and asked for your shipping address.

Enter your full name and postal address to calculate the correct cost of shipping

Your shipping information will generate your postage and packaging costs and will be added to your pledge along with any extras for other add-ons.  Payment for all extras is expected on the 'confirmation' screen via credit/debit card or PayPal unless you have already added extra funds to your pledge amount to cover this.

Final screen to confirm and complete your pledge survey - click 'Place My Order!'

On the last day of October 2024, we will lock completed backer pledges, which will be any that have completed all stages of the survey, with a plan to charge any extra card payments during the following day on the 1st of November 2024. Locking pledges informs us of the final numbers we need to manufacture for fulfilment, helping us to deliver on our goal of shipping all completed pledges by the end of November 2024. If you miss this end-of-Octiber 2024 deadline, your pledge will likely be sent later than the end of November 2024.


If you backed at the Choose & Pledge pledge level and added extra funds to your pledge, this will be shown as credit in your account, which you can now spend on Add-ons. Add the packs you want to your account. If you included add-ons during the Kickstarter Campaign, they should all be showing in your pledge. You can back for more than you have already pledged by paying the extra amount.


If you backed at one of the other pledge levels, you will already have the white metal packs of miniatures automatically added to your pledge manager. You will be able to add additional packs in the add-on section. You can back for more than you have pledged, paying the extra amount.


If you backed a Unique Sculpt by Paul Hicks, you will be asked to choose your warhost as part of the initial survey question. Once you have answered it, we will add it to your pledge. Andy Hobday will also be in touch very soon via email to discuss plans for your unique sculpt by Paul Hicks. You can add additional packs in white metal in the add-on section.

Choose your warhost!


All free stretch goals, including the 24-hour miniature, will have been added to qualifying pledges. Please double-check that you have all the freebies you think you should have. If you believe you are missing something, do not hesitate to message us, and we will look into it immediately!

If you need to review your information or pledge status after receiving your initial email, you can return to your survey by clicking the link.

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account.

I'm hoping that the above makes sense to you. Please ask questions if not, as I know there is much to digest. Once again, thanks for all your support. With the help of Footsore Miniatures & Games and Sarissa Precision, we can't wait to send you your Orcs & Elf pledges. Standby, you will receive your pledge manager email in the next few days.

Take care!

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

If everything goes to plan, this is our timeline for this campaign:

• August 2024 - Kickstarter Campaign √
• September - mid-October 2024 - Pledge Manager
• September - October 2024 - Production
• October - November 2024 - Pick, Pack & Despatch
• End of November 2024 - Everything Despatched for Delivery

24 days ago – Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 01:20:31 PM

The very talented Marco Capparoni created the initial sketches for our new heroes during the campaign, which have been worked up into finished concepts for Paul to start sculpting.

Paul has taken his direction from Marco's work and started to create the miniatures they represent. As agreed, they will be sculpted as a vignette of our two heroes who are locked in mortal combat. 

If you have backed All-in, they have both been added to your pledge for free in the pledge manager. If you have backed the Elf Warhost, we have added the Elf Hero to your pledge. If you have backed the Orc Warhost, we have added the Orc Hero to your pledge. 

Both miniatures can also be included as add-ons through the pledge manager when it opens. I can't wait to see the finished sculpts!

While Paul continues his work, we have asked Marco to take his concepts further and create a piece of artwork featuring these two heroes for the Fantasy Compendium. Below, we've shared his first work in progress with you. When finished, we plan to use it as the cover piece for our mini-campaign called The Battle for the Bylands. 


Since the Kickstarter ended, much has been happening as we gear up to deliver your pledges as quickly as possible. One of the things that needed to be completed was the mounted version of our Elf Prince, and here he is.


We aim to open the pledge manager early this week. When it does, we will also launch the option to make a late pledge, enabling anyone who missed the Kickstarter to get in on the action.

The late pledge website in all its glory!

While we wait, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of us. We will continue to send regular updates to keep you informed. Take care!

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

If everything goes to plan, this is our timeline for this campaign:

• August 2024 - Kickstarter Campaign √
• September - mid-October 2024 - Pledge Manager
• September - October 2024 - Production
• October - November 2024 - Pick, Pack & Despatch
• End of November 2024 - Everything Despatched for Delivery

An Update about the Orcs Vs Elves Pledge Manager
25 days ago – Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 09:58:28 AM

It's the 21st of September; when will we get access to the pledge manager? 

If everything goes as planned, it will be early next week. We are waiting for approval from BackerKit, and we should receive it on Monday, the 23rd of September.

If you are not aware, BackerKit is the pledge manager we are using and, in our opinion, one of the best. All the pledge details you submitted during the Kickstarter campaign have been seamlessly transferred over and will be waiting for you.


You will soon receive an email that looks like this from us.

When we get the green light, you will receive an invitation email sent to the same address as your Kickstarter email. This email will have a private link to your individual pledge manager account, and it is essential to log in and submit your responses as quickly as possible since we need this information to process your pledge.

If this is your first time, do not fear! On an actual day, the pledge manager opens, we will send out a guide via an update explaining how to use it. It will include a detailed walkthrough with images explaining each step of the process. Both Paul and I will also be available throughout the entire process, not only with updates but also on hand to provide individual help where needed.

So, in short, not long now until we are ready to go. We will let you know as soon as it opens.

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

If everything goes to plan, this is our timeline for this campaign:

• August 2024 - Kickstarter Campaign
• September - mid-October 2024 - Pledge Manager
• September - October 2024 - Production
• October - November 2024 - Pick, Pack & Despatch
• End of November 2024 - Everything Despatched for Delivery